When other people build you, it always goes wrong. You end up being a Maintainer
And someone who is far behind his potential and most likely worsens the world
Because nobody can have the answers to your life and ideas other than yourself
But when you build yourself from beginning to end you end up making something truly unique and valuable. That fundamentally helps the world
We are social beings, but..
Never adapt to other people and sacrifice your uniqueness to fulfil your social needs
Create your own social circle and attract the people that appreciate your true self
How to think independently
Build on your own assumptions and ideas. Test them and iterate on them. Build an understanding that is grounded in reality
Think for yourself, question everything and always aspire to be as close to the truth as currently possible
Use your mind power, think (we have a brain to use it), don’t fall into low standards
Create value, create unique and special things that have never existed before
Use all the access to knowledge, software, people, tools and AI that we have
Think deeply about the world and lightly about yourself
Beware of educational programs, universities and institutions
All education is following a specific purpose. Think critically and look at incentives
All education is just ideas from people. Fundamentally, education is indoctrination
It is not indoctrination, only when it can fully adapt to the true goals of the individual. And when it is maximally truth seeking. Which no education can currently do. Only then can it be seen as good education that is in the best interests of the people
So educate yourself. Follow your own curiosity and build your own understanding
Never underestimate the power of humans
We need to realise that in reality we are unlimited. And we can do whatever we wish
Within the bounds of the laws of nature and physics. And very likely beyond that
Because we haven’t discovered everything yet. There is still a lot we don't know yet
And within our existence we always create our own meanings. Every single moment
Just make sure your meaning inspires you and makes you excited to be alive
It has to be your own independent meaning. Regardless of what most people think
Realise that neural nets are changeable. We can always change our neural nets
The way we’ve been programmed. Currently we do it manually. Later automatically
Humans have the fundamental power to be and do whatever they want
Within the bounds of the laws of nature and physics. In the future it will be obvious
When everything adapts to the true interests of the people
And when people are fundamentally empowered in their pursuit