Card 4
Humanity's Knowledge
Responsive Vimeo Video
Making use of humanity’s knowledge
  • We never had better access to knowledge. Every person has almost free access
  • A degree is unnecessary now. What matters is what value you create for humanity
  • In the future everyone is his own curator. Keep track of everything important to you
  • Intention > attention. Be proactive in your consumption. Stay away from feeds. Or anything that is trying to get your attention so you spend your time and money
  • Things can be very compelling today, so be very careful. Prioritise intention
Aspire to get as close to truth as possible
  • Seek knowledge from its original source, break things down to its core components
  • Think fundamentally and take history into account. Check the track records
  • People are more often the source of truth than institutions or mainstream media
  • The best way to understand a person is to listen to that person directly
  • Look in places that support free speech and are not anti-meritocratic
  • Leave out everything that is built to harm you, distract you or keep you bottled in
  • Make sure the things you consume take you closer to where you want to be
Original Audio Recording